Landscape Lighting Techniques

Accentuate the positive with facade lighting, which gently emphasizes the architectural highlights of your home, while keeping a good balance to the eye. Whether its beautiful stone, brick, columns or other details, a great lighting plan showcases the very best of your home’s design and layout.

Highlighting columns or other unique portico pieces with gentle facade lighting creates additional visual appeal and interest.

It’s important to create balance in your design, both horizontally and vertically. When working with a stone or brick patterns, it’s best to create interest with shadows. It would be a shame to front wash this beautiful stonework!

Properly designed pathlights artfully guide family and friends to a welcoming front door, gazebo or patio. But they can do much more!

In addition to elegantly lighting transition areas, pathlights create small scenes that combine different textures and colors to create a memorable space.

Where possible, it’s better to offset fixture placement for a more pleasing look.

Down lighting adds an air of magic to your patio.

Throwing shadows on a wall or fence can create a beautiful scene.

Creating a silhouette against a wall or fence can add more interest than typical uplighting.